The Year I Met You by Cecelia Ahern | A brief review | Diarytale

Hey folks! Welcome back to the reader’s corner. In this blog post, I would like to share my review of the most enjoyable book of the month that is THE YEAR I MET YOU written by Cecelia Ahern.

Tigger warning: this review is more of my feelings and the impact made by the book. So, embrace yourself and scroll down!


Jasmine has built her entire life around her sister and career. Suddenly, losing her job felt like losing everything. Her fasting moving life starts to slow down where she gets the slow downed view of her life and her relationship with her neighbors that is bad in state. There bloom unexpected friendships which help her to know more about herself.


I found this book sitting on my sister’s bookshelf. I sincerely want to convey my gratitude to my sister because she is the one who introduced me to the author Cecelia Ahern. Also, I already read two famous books by the author. So, without reading the descriptions or any reviews, I started to read this book. I love the writing style of the author.

“The year I met you” book.


To start, the very title itself has charmed me ‘THE YEAR I MET YOU’ that raised a question in me whom did she met? Second, comes the cover page. Shoutout to the designer, who designed in such a great perspective (there may be many covers to the book, please refer to the image in this blog post). It is only after completing the book hits me how the book cover delineates the story. The story is warm, subtle, and cozy. I enjoyed reading it. It is like a warm blanket around me. The characters are so beautifully painted. In many instances, I could relate to the protagonist Jasmine.

Speaking of much-attracted things in the book, for which, even I envied for, is the community where the protagonist lives. The neighbors in the community are not judgmental but very caring. They constrain themselves from interfering in the private space unless they want to speak about it. That is mind-blowing. Many communities are not the same as this community is.

The other thing is that the author weaves the story along with the concept of gardening and seasons. There is a cute description for each season that relates to our own life. How we change over seasons and how the universe has made us with the seasonal changes. We never notice those changes within, because of the fast-moving world. If you take a minute of your time and think about the changes the seasons get to you, you will be awestruck. And the gardening portrayed in the story urged me to start my garden. On the whole, the book is a delight to read. I loved everything the story has depicted.

So, dear readers, if you need a life-affirming story, this is the book I would recommend without any doubt.

Happy reading!


In case if you are looking to buy this book, let me make it easier. Here is the Amazon link for this book. Click, buy, and enjoy reading. Link – The Year I Met You.

If you are looking for similar book review posts, then you must definitely check out my previous blog posts. Here is the link –Readers’ Corner. All reviews are SPOILER-FREE.

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The Year I Met You by Cecelia Ahern | A brief review | Diarytale

2 thoughts on “The Year I Met You by Cecelia Ahern | A brief review | Diarytale

  1. Hi Swathi! So happy, you read this book. It is one of my favourite book. Nice review too. Esp, SPOILER-FREE. Keep it coming!

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