The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond | Book review | Spoiler-free

Hey folks! Welcome back to the reader’s corner. In this blog post, I am reviewing a book, maybe another short story. The month of June was a kind of a whirlwind for me. Because I have been doing different pieces of stuff, that is off my calendar. Maybe I think this is how it goes nowadays. But I liked that! So, getting on the review, the title of the book is,


Sounds interesting? Let’s dive in.

About ‘The Blue Umbrella’

The book THE BLUE UMBRELLA is written by Ruskin Bond in 1980. It is an Indian fiction novel. It clubbed with other short stories of Ruskin Bond called Children’s Omnibus. Later it was adapted into a film under the same name. The author has written hundreds of novels, short stories, and poems that are very beautiful. His works are mainly for children.

Description of the book

A young girl, Binya, lives in a village called Garhwal with her mother and brother. She wears a leopard nail as a lucky charm. When she sees a beautiful silk blue umbrella, she immediately likes it and wants that to be hers. So, she trades her lucky charm for the blue umbrella with the owner. But then comes the problem everyone in the village desires for that beautiful blue umbrella, especially the small tea shop owner, Ram Bharosa, who sells many sweets, Coca-Cola, etc. He is also greatly respected by the villagers. What happens when the desire for materials turns to the worst events is the rest of the story.

the blue umbrella
The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond.

My review

Firstly, this is my very first proper read of Ruskin Bond’s story. Because previously, I read a part of another story for my English class even then I liked that story very much. So, I loved this story. The place, the story is situated in the mountains and, the people’s life there; is beautifully described. The characters are very few but served the purpose. The language is children-friendly.

I think the book is written for the children because it ended with a moral. But the moral is soo valuable even for adults. Although adults know what is right and wrong, sometimes they forget them. So, these short stories help them to remember them. And the main thing is the story is so small yet it is to the point without dragging.

The story deals with the materialistic life and how it can affect the life of the people. I just made a note in my mind to pass on this beautiful story to anyone who would love to listen or read. This story tells the simple truth of life.
So dear readers, here I am done with my review and suggest you all read this adorable story of THE BLUE UMBRELLA that made nice things to the people in the story. Kindly share your thoughts about our review in the comments.

Happy Reading!


In case if you are looking to buy this book, let me make it easier. Here is the Amazon link for this book. Click, own a copy, and enjoy reading. Link – The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond.

If you are looking for similar book review posts, then you must definitely check out my previous blog posts. Here is the link –Readers’ Corner.

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The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond | Book review | Spoiler-free

5 thoughts on “The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond | Book review | Spoiler-free

  1. This book is a true masterpiece, capturing the beauty and innocence of childhood in a way that is both heartwarming and touching. Highly recommend!

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