Hey folks! Welcome back to the reader’s corner. In this blog post, I would like to take you to an entirely different world full of animals. You are an animal lover or not, either way, you are going to love it. So, the title of the book is,
About the book
The book Animal Farm was written by George Orwell in 1945. He wrote the manuscript during November 1943 and February 1944 after his experience of the Spanish civil war. He learned how easily totalitarian propaganda could control the opinion of enlightened people in democratic countries. So, he decided to put those thoughts in this book.
Description of the book
What happens when ill-treated farm animals gang up to throw out their lazy, corrupt, and power-drunk rulers? Animal Farm is born.
As humans get ousted from Manor Farm and, animals take control, their Utopian fantasy of running a farm-based on equality soon begins to crumbles before their eyes. The rebellion of the animals, led by the two pigs, Napoleon and Snowball, gives way to corrupt practices that lead to unthinkable consequences.

My review of ‘Animal Farm’
Firstly, the very title of the book ‘Animal Farm’ is quite compelling to me to read it. Imagining a farm with fields of different crops and animals like cows, goats, hens, sheep, etc., that should be well fed and needs more care which should be managed by humans is done by animals is an infamous concept that I never thought of. The author had a great vision to tell the idea of totalitarianism and its consequences through this story.
Secondly, the language of the story is simple, hence anyone can read it. I like to give a colossal shout-out to Fingerprint Publications for such an effort they took to publish all the classics beautifully. The cover of the book is so fresh, subtle, and attractive. I am loving their classic books.
Speaking of the story, this novel comes under political satire fiction, so, it tells a lot about current affairs. It was fun to read the different chores done by animals that were done by humans. The farm mostly had animals like horses, cows, goats, sheep, hens, pigs, pigeons, crows, etc. with their own names. They too have their struggles and milestones to achieve. The evolution of the animal farm represents the human evolution right from early man to the present democratic man. When the funny side subsides, the story’s main plot comes to view, which was very moving to read. It was very unexpected. From the middle of the story, I predicted an ending, but what was there on the plate for me was very shocking. But I loved that too.
So, dear readers, if you want to read a parable on totalitarianism, this is the right choice. For me, it was an adoring and enthralling read. I hope you like this review. Share your thoughts in the comment section.
Happy Reading!
In case if you are looking to buy this book, let me make it easier. Here is the Amazon link for this book. Click, own a copy, and enjoy reading. Link – Animal Farm book.
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