Hey folks! Welcome back to the reader’s corner. In this blog post, we are going to explore a short and beautiful story that had made me realize certain things. So, this is going to be a short review. And the title of the book is
Mr & Mrs. Pinto.
About the book
The book Mr & Mrs. Pinto is authored by Aqil N. The book has cute illustrations which are designed by Ashik. The book length is about 25 pages that will take around 30 minutes and, worth it.
Description of the book
Sebastian and Jaya met, fallen in love, married, and living together for years and years. It’s on their 50th wedding anniversary, the reality behind the perfect love story, revealed. And series of events turned their world upside down. Will their successful marriage become a happy marriage?
How I end up in this book?
It was my sister who constantly urges me to read some short stories. Honestly, I am not a great fan of short stories. I have read a handful but, it was never on my list. But after reading this beautiful story of Mr &Mrs. Pinto, I am taking my sister’s suggestion seriously and, I am searching for some gem of short stories.

My review – Mr & Mrs.Pinto
The story is terse yet so beautifully weaved by the author. I am the kind of person who always thinks about how a story can be told in just 25 pages. But this author has described the events precisely. It just took me 30 minutes to complete this book. The characters are very few and subtle. The language of the story is lucid. These kinds of short stories will immensely help the readers to kick off their reading slump. Also, it can help beginners to gain more interest in books.
The story mainly addresses the current scenario of marriage and life between an old couple. In today’s society, rather than living a healthy and happy marriage life, people are living a successful marriage. But in truth, there is a vast difference between a healthy and successful marriage that I learned from this story.
Dear readers, if you want to read something but don’t have time for it, choose short stories like Mr & Mrs. Pinto by Aqil. Tell us, how you like our reviews in the comment box.
Happy Reading!
In case if you are looking to buy this book, let me make it easier. Here is the Amazon link for this book. Click, own a copy, and enjoy reading. Link – Mr & Mrs. Pinto by Aqil.
If you are looking for similar book review posts, then you must definitely check out my previous blog posts. Here is the link –Readers’ Corner.
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