Hey folks! Welcome back to the reader’s corner. Have you, readers ever given advice or got any
advice, no, wait I’ll reframe the question in a different way. “Have you ever passed a day without getting or giving any advice from your kin and kith?” (I guess in this way it works). The advice in our life is like salt in our food because each and every action is accompanied by someone’s advice or ourselves’s advice to complete the action. On the contrary, many don’t like to get advice, I am one of the kinds where I like to get advice from myself and in some very life-changing decisions, I’ll seek my parents other than that I hate getting advice.
But to conclude, on seeking advice, though initially, it irritates us eventually that helps us a lot! So, readers might be confused about why I am speaking so much on advice. It is all because today’s review is about a self-help book ‘LOVE FOR IMPERFECT THINGS’ by HAEMIN SUNIM. Let’s dive into the book.
The book ‘LOVE FOR IMPERFECT THINGS’ is all about how to accept yourself in the world striving for perfection by HAEMIN SUNIM. He is a South Korean Buddhist teacher and also the founder of the School for Broken Hearts a non-profit organization. This is his second book which crossed selling four million copies. Initially, this book was written in Korean and translated by Deborah Smith. This book has great illustrations, picturing the mood and emotions of the author done by Lisk Feng, an award-winning illustrator.
![love for imperfect things](https://i0.wp.com/www.diarytale.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/IMG_6769-scaled.jpg?resize=669%2C446&ssl=1)
I am basically not into self-help books but I have read a few works of great authors in this genre. So, once I went to a bookstore where when I finished my purchase, I found this book next to the billing section and had a glimpse. Just within the glimpse, I got attracted to the illustrations but I couldn’t buy the book and this beautiful book was in my mind for so long and finally, I got the kindle form and I am very happy about it!
Primarily, people used to read self-help books in one go but I recommend readers not to read
this particular book in one go because this book is like a dessert for your meal. Because each page of this book is like an aril of pomegranate. It totally took me around two and half a month to complete this book. So, I highly recommend the readers to read this book at night before you sleep or at the start of your day, or even when you feel low, as this book will boost your mind.
At first, when I started to read this book, I thought, that the author is a monk so this book will be full of spiritual guidance. But I completely changed my mind after finishing the first chapter. This book is compiled of his journey, experiences, his teaching in a very simple way, and some hacks or exercises which can be tried out so easily. The main thing I loved is, the whole book is in very easy texts which can be easily grasped and understood by anyone. The book has given deep teachings on all the very important elements of life which are needed for an individual. According to my opinion, this book can be known as the “lighthouse of our distracted life”. In a nutshell, this book helps us to love and accept the imperfect us.
The book has many interesting teachings but some have hit me hard that is the importance of
breathing in a time of confusion. The author tells us how breathing can clear our minds. Another thing that was like a hard slap in my face is that “perfection never exists” it is just the idea of perfection which is different for different people. After reading this I got a new perspective on life!
This book has actually given me the confidence to try more things in life because we can’t control
what people think of us but we can control what we are doing right now. And the other thing is
that I always regret my mistakes whether it is small or big though it is human nature. Once
completing this entire book I literally feel light at heart and mind because the mistakes are none
other than learnings in our life. Many things in this book may be already familiar to us, but we may
forget about those. So, when we come across those teaching it may be a gentle reminder for us. On the whole, I honestly felt that the author’s way of teaching in the book is like a mother caressing the wounded child, so kind and I loved this book.
![love for imperfect things](https://i0.wp.com/www.diarytale.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/IMG_6789-scaled.jpg?resize=668%2C445&ssl=1)
So, dear readers, if you are finding for a very good, light self-help book I will highly recommend this
book because it has changed many things in me and I hope that this book and the author’s teachings will definitely bring great changes in your life too.
Happy reading!
In case if you are looking to buy this book, let me make it easier. Here is the Amazon link for this book. Click, buy, and enjoy reading. Link – Love for imperfect things.
If you are looking for similar book review posts, then you must definitely check out my previous blog posts. Here is the link – Readers’ Corner. All reviews are SPOILER-FREE.
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